So today I read a post about how everyone speaks and writes in code everyday whether or not they know it and i started thinking about which ways we do that. When I was thinking about this I remembered an old code my best friend and I used to write secret notes to each other. I thought why not share it with everyone else. Below is the key, if anybody reads this try to encode a message using this key. You draw out each section of the grid you would like to use. Then if its the first letter you don't put any dot s. If it is the second letter, you put one dot in that grid section. If its the third letter, you put two dots.
abc | def | ghi |
jkl | mno | pqr |
stu | vwx | yz |
When using this code you have to use the grid as well as the letters. To encrypt the letter r you would draw this:
Sorry! The first grid is supposed to be like a tic tac toe board and the second grid is only supposed to have the left, top, and bottom sides.