Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Cipher Disk

Within The Code Book, by Simon Singh, the concepts of polyalphabectic substitution ciphers are described. The opportunities that this cipher created for cryptographers were incredible. These ciphers were  safe from cryptanalysis and cryptanalysts for the time being, however, it was still a hassle to use such a complex method of substitution. The cipher disk created ease for those using this particular kind of substitution in a cipher. Below is a quotation from a movie that can be deciphered using the cipher disk. This is a quote from my favorite movie, so I hope you enjoy this activity. 

Hint: There are letters on the cipher disk that can take the identity of more than one letter if that letter does not appear on the outer disk. 

Index: M



  1. haha~I got it! You are killing me smalls. But I could not understand it clear~English is really different from Chinese:)

  2. Didnt realize that someone already did this one. Took me a while because I messed up but then got it. Great movie. How can you have smore of nothing?
