Monday, October 24, 2011

Can you put a number to how many codes there are in the World?

I was sitting in class, and stated thinking about how may endless possibilities of codes there are. I pondered how many codes there can be. I wanted to find a number for how many codes exist or existed in our society, but that simply isn't possible. I could even come up with a code right now and that would effect the number. I suppose you could classify codes. This would result in saying there are two kinds of codes: Cryptology and Steganography. In many ways you could say that, however, then there are contradictory thoughts. Such as there are subcategories to each of these kinds of codes, and do those count? In the world today you can put a number on almost anything. How many people are there in the world? How much food do we waste? So on and so forth. But isn't it odd when you can't put a number on everything in the world? I kind of love it.

1 comment:

  1. It is definitely difficult, if not impossible to put a number on how many codes and what kinds are out there. Once you break down methods of secret writing into the categories of steganography and cryptography, then cryptography can further be broken down into the categories of substitution and transposition. Then, substitution can be broken down into codes and ciphers. Then we have monoalphabetic ciphers and polyalphabetic ciphers. To further complicate things, we also have secret writing that can then be classified as both steganography and cryptography! As far as putting a number to almost everything in the world, yes people do it, but it is not always accurate. There are often countless statistics that go unreported that affect the validity of published statistics.
